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mizaru 🙈, kikazaru 🙉, iwazaru 🙊 (見ざる, 聞かざる, 言わざる)

Free thy love. No restriction. No limitation. No observance. No more enforcement. Try to be Wise like this Sculpture of four WISE monkeys by Shizaru for "Don't speak or see or hear or smell or do anything evil":-
1. Speak no evil
2. See no evil
3. Hear no evil
4. Do no evil

Shizaru, who symbolizes the principle of "do no evil". He may be shown crossing his arms or covering his genitals.[citation needed] Yet another variation has the fourth monkey hold its nose to avoid a stench and has been dubbed "smell no evil" accordingly.

Sculpture of four monkeys, the additional one resting its hands in its lap
According to Osho Rajneesh, the monkey symbolism originated in ancient Hindu tradition and Buddhist monks spread this symbolism across Asia. The original Hindu and Buddhist version contains 4 monkeys and the fourth monkey covers his genitals.The Buddhist version means this as "Don't do anything evil".

In Hindu original version the meaning of the fourth monkey is totally different from the popular Buddhist version. It means, "Hide your pleasures. Hide your enjoyment, don't show it to anybody."

Osho Rajneesh gave his own meaning regarding this. The first monkey denotes 'Don't listen to the truth because it will disturb all your consoling lies'. The second monkey denotes 'Don't look at the truth; otherwise your God will be dead and your heaven and hell will disappear'. The third monkey denotes 'Don't speak the truth, otherwise you will be condemned, crucified, poisoned, tortured by the whole crowd, the unconscious people. You will be condemned, don't speak the truth!' The fourth monkey denotes "Keep your pleasures, your joys, hidden. Don't let anybody know that you are a cheerful man, a blissful man, an ecstatic man, because that will destroy your very life. It is dangerous".

"Look not at what is contrary to propriety; listen not to what is contrary to propriety; speak not what is contrary to propriety; make no movement which is contrary to propriety" (非禮勿視,非禮勿聽,非禮勿言,非禮勿動). The saying in Japanese is mizaru 🙈, kikazaru 🙉, iwazaru 🙊 (見ざる, 聞かざる, 言わざる)
