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The Awesomeness of Loneliness

The best part of life is Experience.

Whom we consider everything of our life. One day, if they betrayed. Your Everything just goes away from your life. What remains is just emptiness deep inside heart. unsolved, unclosed pain remains... just remains... it keep on pain... just the way someone goes away from you and keep on walking... it keep on pain.

I know no one need me. How should I do? But I am human, not a robot. Human stay together with someone, share life, feelings, care each other, stay together, listen each other and be for each other. I just wish, someone should be there, whom I can call of my OWN... MY own... Just be mine... I wish, I dream that broken. And now it's just keep on pain. And I miss my everything in life.

Just some thoughts to inspire us. I know it won't help. But just... say it for nothing. May be it help somone who need it:-

Life is the condition of growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.

"Illusions will disappear. You will realize the truth and will be happy.
Do not get angry. Act with self-control. New things will be obtained."

Your Attitude Determines Your Direction To Reach Your Altitude.

I am thankful for all those difficult people in my life, they have shown me exactly who I do not want to be. 👩🏽‍💼

When you feel upset, just think of me, I'm always here to embrace and encourage you. When you are happy, just forget about me but focus on you happiness. I will be watching you from here.

As a Man, I aim to balance intelligence, kindness and divinity. As a Human, I aim to balance character, purpose and soul.

Presume that your present suffering is due to your past deeds. Do not get tired of problems.

Vices will be covered. Virtues will be valued. Keep on doing Good. And mighty will see it one day.

Love all, forget differences. Keep in mind that every thing is known to Him.

Mental strength is key to an independent mindset.

In the end, you have to be your own hero, because everyone is busy trying to save themselves — inspirebeings

The person you will be in 5 years is based on the books you read and the people you surround yourself with today. 2018 is going to be fun for sure. 😘

People never want to be a part of the process, but they want to be a part of outcome. The process is where you figure out who is worth being part of the outcome.

Live your life happily, stay focused on your goals and make sure you don't cause anyone's problem. Your happiness must not be baed on someone's pain.

The game is not about chasing the money, it's about what you can ultimately do for your family💪🏻💵

Never forget who was there for me at the beginning. Always here to enlighten and spread the positive vibes to you. ❤️

If you make 1% improvement every day, it would be an increase of 3778% over a year. Meaning you would be 38 times better off compared to when you started - #mindsetofgreatness

Shave your distractions, feed your focus. #businessmindset #gettingthere 😡

Stop looking to your family and to your friends for support. Stop looking to them for inspiration when you can be the inspiration, you can be the support.

Curiosity is the compass that leads me here. #keepgrinding

More something to read on -
