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Spend time wisely

Spend Your Time Wisely!
  1. Stay Goal-Oriented Every Day. No matter what your work situation is like, you can take five minutes each morning to list your daily goals.
  2. Don't Lose Sight of Your Own Needs.
  3. Budget Your Time.
  4. Stop Procrastinating.
  5. Focus on Relaxation.

Below is the story of the King with his 4 wife's. Learn a lessons from this story for a lifetime. Spend a moment here can let you spend your next every movement meaningful.

The meaning of the below video story is Fourth wife is our body, Third wife is our possessions, Second wife is our friends and family whom we share love, And the first wife is our own Soul. We take care, worry about our 2nd, 3rd and 4th wife but we always ignore our 1st wife always. And that is our true lover. Then who we are we all are just a part of a game of mind. Our mind keeps us busy thinking silly things. Forget thous and start doing first thing first. Time is precious. Enjoy yourself. Else you will waste this moment that won't come back.
