Tarot can be read by yourself. However, when you think it about reading, it should keep concept of picture very simple. Swap the Celtic Cross for a 1-3 Card Spread. It is always a good idea to Draw a Tarot Card a Day.
Let picture tune in to your intuition. And go on with it. I not done by myself. But kinda it's a fun way to know something new. Nothing serious. Just relax time and seeing. First I just see 3 Cards. Then the next 7 Cards to know about Love Celtic Cross Tarot. And it goes something as below -
The Four of Cups in this position indicates that things are going to slow down a little bit for a while. Soon you will be called upon to let go of your challenging, goal-driven activities When things slow down, don't worry -- just take it as a sign that you could use some unstructured quality time with a close friend or two, or by yourself. Being relatively disengaged may be a strange feeling if you have an active personality, but everyone needs recharging from time to time, so why fight it? Let yourself relax. Turn the pressure down and let go of your normal preoccupations. But don't drift with the current for too long -- a day or two is probably enough. Be like a cat napping in the sun -- relaxing fully and saving energy for upcoming adventures.
Let picture tune in to your intuition. And go on with it. I not done by myself. But kinda it's a fun way to know something new. Nothing serious. Just relax time and seeing. First I just see 3 Cards. Then the next 7 Cards to know about Love Celtic Cross Tarot. And it goes something as below -
Ace of Cups
1. LOVE & ME: A fountain of abundance nourishes your life and your next relationship. When the Ace of Cups is in this position, you may be realizing abundance, emotional security, bonding, comfort, self-love, romantic love or a love for the world. This card signifies a fountain of nurturing and support that we have inside our hearts. Those who are mystically inclined may think of it as coming from God or a Higher Self. Others may see it as springing forth from those around us. In any case, it's an unfailing source of comfort, support and optimism that portrays the world as good and beautiful, providing plenty for you and your upcoming relationship. This fountain of love pours over everything in your life.Judgment
2. SITUATION: A dramatic wake-up call is gaining the attention of you and a possible love interest. When Judgment is in this position, it's as if you and the person you are want to be involved with are coming out of a trance. Options that you thought were long past are being miraculously resurrected. You gain greater powers of discernment about current events and can break through barriers that formerly divided you. Reevaluate the current conditions. Promote change and mutual growth rather than protect the routines of the past. You have the potential to redeem a situation by looking at it from a new angle. It takes extraordinary circumstances to evoke simultaneous awakening in two people who are so different. Making this passage together can bond you in a way that will make you irresistible as a couple.Two of Wands
3. CHALLENGES: If you use a lull in a future relationship situation to rest yourself and refresh your awareness, you will be strengthened. The Two of Wands in this position provides a challenge to learn to use down time productively. Creativity requires leisure. There may be no available energy for forward progress in a forthcoming relationship at this time anyway, so rest and restore yourself. Rather than waste time during such an opportunity, use it for contemplative relaxation or meditation. Don't worry about how to orchestrate things just yet. Instead, let go and surrender yourself to the sights, sounds, and realities of the situation as it is. This will put you in a more favorable position when the time for action arrives.The Magician
4. Recent Past: Take an inspiring observation to heart and let it stimulate your personal and spiritual growth. The Magus in this position suggests that you have had a brush with greatness. Once in a while we have a chance to contact a more evolved level of energy, which serves as a reminder of how well we can embody our own higher potential. Perhaps it is you, or you see someone who is doing just that; and it's inspiring. Keep such experiences in the forefront of your memory and revisit them often. Draw creative nourishment from them.Five of Wands
5. Higher Power:Commitment to the betterment of your personal relationships is the true center of your ambition. Cooperative effort is the best approach. you are challenged to work through any resistance and commit yourself to make a difference in the world, to achieve something grand. Great achievement makes a mark on history and helps steer the direction of civilization. True ambition springs from a commitment to the welfare of humanity and those closest to you, not from a desire for personal fame. You must let nothing stand in your way, but as much as you can, adopt a cooperative rather than a competitive style.Four of Cups
6. Near Future: Rest and relaxation are needed between periods of exertion. Relax with your favorite people.The Four of Cups in this position indicates that things are going to slow down a little bit for a while. Soon you will be called upon to let go of your challenging, goal-driven activities When things slow down, don't worry -- just take it as a sign that you could use some unstructured quality time with a close friend or two, or by yourself. Being relatively disengaged may be a strange feeling if you have an active personality, but everyone needs recharging from time to time, so why fight it? Let yourself relax. Turn the pressure down and let go of your normal preoccupations. But don't drift with the current for too long -- a day or two is probably enough. Be like a cat napping in the sun -- relaxing fully and saving energy for upcoming adventures.
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